Menopause is a period of physical and emotional turmoil in women’s life. It is the complete cessation of menstrual cycle and is one of the important event in a woman’s life. It is associated with an array of changes at the physical as well as emotional level.

It is natural process that marks a decline in the reproductive hormones in female body. Absence of menstruation for a period of 12 consecutive months indicates that ovaries have stopped their function. This is the end of reproductive ability of women. This
usually occurs around the age of 45-55 years. Even though it’s a natural process, it can trigger severe symptoms in the body.

Here an attempt has been made to explain what is menopause and what are the changes that can occur in the body during this transition period?

Facts about the menopausal syndrome

The average age of menopause in Indian women is 45-55 years of age. It may occur as early as at the age of 35 which is referred to as premature menopause. It marks the end of a woman’s fertility. A reduction in the hormone estrogen leads to menopausal

Menopausal Metamorphosis

Menopause is not an impetuous phenomenon. It embark on at the age of 45 years and may last up to 7yrs or may even prolong for 14 yrs. A drastic fluctuation is observed in the estrogen and progesterone levels which results in the manifestation of several emotional and physical disturbances. Menopause makes women more susceptible to fractures as the bone- mineral density is
reduced. They often observe themselves to be putting on unusual amount of fat around the belly and thighs region. They are inclined towards development of cardiovascular disease as there is considerable reduction in estrogen, the chemical messenger in our body which possess cardio-protective activity.

This time in woman’s life is often associated with lots of transitions not only at physical but also emotional level and is referred to as menopausal transition. Menopause occurs in three stages. They are Peri-menopause, Menopause, Post-menopause

Dr. Sarika Patil
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