Healthy 45 Plus
creating an ecosystem for healthy and happy life after 45 years
Say Hello To The “New You”
Good health after 45 is very much in your hands, as is a pain free and stress free existence. If you are in your 40s and looking to lead a life filled with good health and happiness, then you are at the right place – Healthy45 plus is here to tell you how.
Lifestyle Diseases
Influence of technology and shift in purchasing power has changed the way our life functions now days. More availability of resources, less physical activity, and no time to spare have made us vulnerable to some extremely uncommon diseases our grandparents had never even heard about back in the 60s and 70s.
While communicable diseases like malaria, cholera, polio, which can be managed with the help of proper treatment, there are lifestyle diseases which can be prevented by following healthy active lifestyle.
Globally, 14.2 million middle aged people, die prematurely each year from diseases like heart attack, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Some of these diseases have emerged as more fatal than hereditary diseases or infectious ones. Unfortunately some of the most common type of lifestyle diseases is growing rapidly in our country.

According to the National Family Health Survey, India ranks second with 155 million obese citizens and this number is increasing at 33-51% every year.

Type II diabetes
Type II diabetes is the non-insulin form which develops in adults due to poor eating habits and bad lifestyle choices. India has the largest number of diabetics with type II at 40.9 million.

Heart diseases
Smoking, diabetes and high cholesterol contribute to heart disease. India ranks number one when it comes to cardio patients with 50 million suffering heart health issues.

Finding a Balance Can Be Hard, We’re there to help you
Age 45 is a good time to take a deep breath and do some introspection of your life and health. Whether you have demanding jobs, aging parents, growing children or all of above, it’s easy to put health aside. But 45 is the time to evaluate your well being and to plan for long run. However coping with the challenges at this stage of life takes time and energy. We at HEALTHY 45 PLUS is here to help you balance your life after forty five.
At this stage of life you should EXPLORE, ACCEPT and SHARE your feelings with family and friends. Reflect regularly on your life, devote time to family, set new goals, and develop new hobbies, travel, and volunteer, ENJOY LIFE and SHARE HAPPINESS. You should also pay close attention to your Physical and Mental health and if required don’t shy away from seeking supports from the experts.
Our team of experts has vast experiences in supporting and helping individuals to sustain one's physical and mental health during middle age. Here for your benefit they discuss various such issues, real life challenges, case studies etc… We can assure you that going through these articles will guide you to BALANCE YOUR LIFE AFTER FORTY FIVE.
Ensure your 45 plus is Healthy & Happy
As an initiative for creating awareness Healthy45plus created a repository exclusively for wellness

Frequently Asked Questions
Learn How it Works!
What is
Healthy 45 plus is a forum developed to interact and give maximum attention to the most vulnerable ages of the population. It is a one-click solution for the health problems of people above 45 years of age.
What are the services you will be provided at healthy 45 Plus?
- Promotes healthcare
- Conduct awareness program
- Share health-related knowledge
- Online consultation
- Online diet program
- Online and in-person counselling
- Second opinion
- Book appointments with experts and health care professionals.
Whether the online expert consultations on healthy 45 are free?
The first online consultation with our expert is free! If you require any additional assistance you will be provided a provision to get an appointment of our in-house doctor and get the required consultation.
The main aim of Healthy 45 plus a is to provide inspiration, desire for better life and contribute significantly to the health and well-being of people above 45 years of age. Healthy 45 hopes to be part of their journey towards a healthy and happy lifestyle.
How can you connect with an expert on healthy 45 plus?
Healthy 45 plus is having an expert panel of eminent doctors with different areas of expertise. You can directly get an appointment with the consultant doctor through our website.
Will you be notified of the regular activities at Healthy 45 plus?
You will be regularly notified of health news, articles or blogs at Healthy 45 on your personal number or email id.
Body Mass Index – BMI
Body Mass Index or BMI is an indicator of healthy weight for an individual. BMI shows the relation between height and weight of a person and is obtained by dividing weight in kg with square of the height of the person.
Based on the value of BMI, one can determine if one is Underweight, Normal, Overweight or Obese category. It helps in determining the health profile in people.
Health is Wealth !
Read our Nutrition blogs to keep yourself Healthy and Happy.
Healthy Recipe – Turmeric Milk
Blend the following ingredients into a delicious smoothie
Method 1
1 cup of Milk
1/4th teaspoon Turmeric
A pinch of Cinnamon powder
½ teaspoon of powdered Rock sugar/Rock candy
1/4th teaspoon dried ginger powder
Take milk in a vessel and bring it to boil, then add the turmeric, followed by cinnamon and dried ginger powder. Boil it together until all the ingredients blend. Strain it and have it warm with sweetener.
Method 2
1 cup of milk
1/4th teaspoon Turmeric
Take milk in a vessel and bring it to boil, after that, add the turmeric. Continue boiling for another couple of minutes. Serve it warm with or without sweetener.
Turmeric milk which is indigenous to our country and our culture has started gaining popularity among western cultures, where it is served in cafes around Europe, as so-called Turmeric Latte.
Health benefits
- An excellent remedy for Cough and Cold
- Potent Immune Booster
- Wound Healing
- Induces sound sleep
- Anti-inflammatory
- Pain reliever
- Turmeric helps in rejuvenating and revitalizing the skin.
- It helps your skin become radiant and acne-free.
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Contact Number
98979 64150
2A – Anand Appt.,
1st Floor, 993 B,
Sadashiv Peth,
Pune – 30