Our previous blog dealt with the role of stress management in balancing hormones. We are aware that dealing with stress is the key to managing hormonal issues after 45. What can be better than yoga for a perfect physical, emotional and spiritual harmony?
Yoga and Hormonal Issues After 45
During transitional phases of life like menopause and andropause, women and men experience physical and psychological discomfort. Your changing hormones can affect your appetite, weight, sleep, moods, energy, sex drive and menstrual cycles in women. Hormone problems like thyroid, diabetes and endocrinal disorders too affect your metabolism and system functioning. Most of the hormonal issues after 45 can be treated with medicines and hormone replacement therapies. However, they may have other effects too and many people prefer going the natural way.
Yoga is a balanced way of living, which helps to detoxify your organs, relieve your nervous system and improve hormonal balance. Regular practice of yoga can improve the way your system functions and deal with your hormonal issues after 45. It can improve your sleep, turn you into a calmer person, thus improving your mood swings, anxiety, and even chronic pain. Studies too have shown that yoga therapy shows improvement in perimenopausal symptoms, thus improving your quality of life.
Yoga for Balancing Hormones
Hormonal issues after 45 can be relieved by improving lymphatic drainage, detoxifying the organs and improving blood circulation. Yoga poses and pranayama focus on breathing and rhythmic body movements. These stimulate the endocrine system, thus balancing your hormones. Regular yoga practice can stimulate the energy centres, relax your mind and create a sense of wellbeing.
Yoga poses help to improve organ function, which results in better absorption of nutrients and effective removal of waste. Yoga postures that bend the spine backward, help maintain a healthy spine and boost metabolism. They stimulate the thyroid and parathyroid, work up the adrenals and help relieve stress. Some yoga poses of inverted positions help improve blood circulation. Yoga poses, which involve forward bending help relieve stress, anxiety and balance your hormones. They stretch the spine, strengthen the muscles and stimulate the reproductive organs. Corpse pose and Pranayama or breathing exercises help relax your mind and body, improving overall health and hormonal balance.
There are many yoga poses that help to deal with hormonal issues after 45. However, be cautious if you are suffering from neck or back problems, previous injuries or health problems. It is advisable to consult your physician before beginning with yoga poses and perform only with an expert’s guidance.
We will discuss the preventive measures and tests related to hormone problems in 45 plus, in our next blog.

Yoga therapy for perimenopausal women

Dr Snehal Singh
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