Midlife transition is a common phrase for many people but it may be more difficult for some women. Women, particularly go through various life phases with demanding roles and responsibilities. The fluctuating hormones during the change of life, often add to the emotional problems. Let us understand the various aspects of women’s life that contribute to stress during the midlife transition.
Midlife Transition in Women
Recently, I was talking to one of my friends, which made think about midlife stress in women. My friend, who was a strong-willed lady entered into a marriage. While she was well qualified, had her thoughts and desires, she managed to adjust with her spouse and the new family. After she had kids, she had to give up work for domestic responsibilities. However, being an ambitious lady, she bounced back to her work, while managing the household chores. She struggled to maintain a work-life balance and meet family responsibilities but was happy about her achievements.
However, as years passed by, she started experiencing the real blow of midlife transition. She started feeling low, dejected and neglected many times. Her children were growing rapidly and so were their thoughts and aspirations. It was not easy to manage teenagers and their tantrums. Her spouse was struggling for higher positions at work and was busy or traveling most of the time. now there were ailing parents at home. She hardly found time to take care of herself and faced health issues quite often. When she looked into the mirror, she saw her greying hair and fine lines on the face. She could see appearance was changing and She felt as if she was lost amidst the domestic circle and began considering whether she should continue working or not.
But truly speaking, because she went out for work, she felt needed and was still happy that she has the abilities and skillset, which would uplift her mood. Her friends at work made her feel good and sometimes, she could also share her feelings with them to find some relief. She was glad that she had worked at hand, but again that too left her with no time and energy for herself.

Midlife stress in women

Her story made me realize that almost every woman has something going on in her life. It is a story of their life, in which they play their part in the best possible way but still somewhere during their midlife, they feel left out or incomplete in some way or the other. Maybe this is a midlife transition in women. Not all women experience problems, but many do. It is a combination of feelings of responsibilities, accomplishments, sacrifices, and worries.
The common stressors that affect women during midlife include
Worries – Being the primary caretaker of all the family members, most family problems are faced by women. Personal career or advancement, growing children, financial problems add to the worries. Ill-health or death of parents or near ones also creates an unexplainable vacuum in their life and also increases the anxiety about their future and death.

Changing physical appearance – Aging shows it signs on the face, hair and other areas of cosmetic importance. Weight gain is also a concern for many, due to the slowing down of metabolism. Women also experience changes in their abilities to perform certain activities. Easily getting tired, muscle or joint pain-causing limitations of movement or difficulty in performing some tasks.

Health – Health problems begin to show up during midlife. In contrast to the youth period, midlife brings various lifestyle disorders, chronic health problems, and pain conditions. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, indigestion, headaches, and heart diseases and just a few of the common health concerns. Women are also at risk of nutritional deficiencies like iron, calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12. Such health issues act as major stressors and also influence the mood and behaviour of women.

Hormones – Last but not the least, hormones, particularly play a very important role in midlife transition in women. All of the above-mentioned stressors like anxiety, physical changes, slowing metabolism, and health problems are influenced by hormones. During midlife, women begin experiencing perimenopause, which may be a roller coaster ride for some. Menopausal complaints may be very annoying in some cases and may need medical aid.

What can do you?

Women in their midlife can benefit from following a healthy routine with a balanced diet and some form of exercise. Here are some simple tips
Diet – Include lean proteins, whole grain products and low-fat dairy in your diet. Have fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds for essential vitamins minerals and healthy fats. Avoid junk food and have salt and sugar in moderation.

Physical Activity – Exercises not only keep you fit but also reduce your stress. Daily brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming or any sports would be great for you. Yoga can help women stay physically and emotionally fit.

Relax – Get adequate sleep at night and practice relaxation or meditation. Pick up your favourite book, paint a picture or enjoy music. Take some ‘me’ time out and relax. Join your friends for sports or other outings.

Be yourself – No matter what is expected from you, be natural – be yourself. It will help you stay happy and keep your mind free of negative thoughts. Spend quality time with your spouse, meet family and friends more often and express yourself.
Remember, midlife is just a phase, not your identity. There is much more to your life, especially if you are aware and proactive. Your health and happiness will reflect on your loved ones. So, plan a healthy routine for an active you and happy midlife.

Dr Snehal Singh
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