A lot is spoken about midlife problems. But 45 plus is a golden period – the best time to make the most of your life. Many people are unhappy about the passing years and worry about getting old. But those who look at midlife with positively, feel young at heart and remain healthy too. Age is mind over matter. Your attitude, your approach towards aging will determine your health – not your real age. If you feel healthy and think positive, you remain young and healthy.

Age Is Mind Over Matter

People have many different problems; health problems are the commonest of all. Still, you often see people being happy and enjoying life. Not necessarily they are happy, but it is that they have accepted their life, as it is, gracefully. Now, this is something we call a positive approach. It is about realizing the value of all that you have instead of being unhappy about what bothers you.
During midlife, it is obvious to see physical changes as your skin begins to wrinkle and your belly starts peeping out. Many 45 plus people have joint pain, muscle aches and many are diagnosed with lifestyle disorders as well. Now, this does not mean that you are crippled by your age. No, not at all. This is just a part of the natural aging process and you are no exception.
Some women feel unhappy about their looks, weight issues or mood swings. Some worry about not having the charm that they once had during their youth. Some men too, feel less interested in social engagements, while some are so burdened with responsibilities that they hardly laugh. But the fact is a little different – your age is mind over matter. It is about how to feel about yourself and not about how you look or what you can or cannot do. If you feel young and accept the bodily changes as they come, you remain young and fit at heart. 45 plus is the age when you can plan and afford to do all that you always wanted to. You are not only independent, healthy and active but also in a phase where you must give importance to yourself.

Do your best – For a Healthy 45 Plus

It is important to understand why midlife matters? During midlife, several changes occur in your body. Problems like bone loss, osteoarthritis, changes in lipid profile, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and sleep disturbances occur or worsen during midlife. Endocrine changes are common too, while particularly women, may go through menopause-related problems. However, healthy behaviours in midlife like getting good nutrition and staying physically active can moderate these changes. Thus, midlife – the golden phase of your life is a crucial period that decides your future health. Your healthy actions taken during midlife can prevent chronic diseases and improve your health and functioning in old age.1
While you need to attend to physical complaints, you can help yourself by staying emotionally positive and healthy. If you take good care of your health, seek medical advice, take timely treatment, your health condition can be managed well. But what is more important is your emotional status – if you let your growing age affect your mind, you will grow older than you are. But if you utilize this period to invest in good health, you can not only feel healthier now but also remain fit when you grow old. 45 plus is the right age to be in – to design a happy present and enjoy a healthy future.

Here are some of the health tips for a healthy midlife

Plan a Nutritious Diet – Have a healthy breakfast every day, preferably a combination of complex carbs and proteins. Include more proteins in your diet i.e. pulses, beans, peas, eggs, fish and lean meat. Have almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds and sunflower seeds for a boost of omega -3 fatty acids. Take yogurt, buttermilk or other probiotics for a healthy gut. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Include healthy spices in your diet to boost your immunity. Avoid processed, refined foods, carbonated or sugary beverages.

Stay active – Consider your health and plan physical activities that suit your health. Brisk walking, cycling, yoga or sports of your choice for at least 30 minutes every day is good. Begin gradually and take precautions and to avoid injuries.

Have Time to Relax – Do whatever you enjoy doing, but include the past time in your daily routine. For a healthy 45 plus, it is important to unwind with some interesting activities. While hobbies are always welcome, you can try something new as well. Choose to cook something different or write about your dreams. This will boost your mood and reset your worn-out thoughts.

Meet friends – One of the best ways to feel fresh, active and positive to meet friends in person. It not only releases your stress, boosts your mood and self-esteem but also gives you the strength to face challenges. Plan weekend outings, games or fun activities to enjoy with your friends.

Take supplements – Nutrition may not give you enough vital nutrients. As your nutritional needs are high during midlife, you can consider taking nutritional supplements after talking to your doctor.

For a healthy 45 plus, plan a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, go for preventive health-checks, take recommended vaccinations and follow medical advice.
If you can love and respect yourself the way you are, you can expect the same from others. When you accept your age and realize that is midlife is a golden phase of your life, you will see the difference.

1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6214213/

Dr Snehal Singh
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