In my previous blog, we discussed that hormonal imbalance is common in 45 plus. Have you wondered why? Let me explain. Hormonal imbalance is an outcome of something happening in the background – midlife health issues can be one of them.

Causes of Hormonal Imbalance in 45 Plus

While it is true that hormonal fluctuations can occur at any time, for most people, midlife health issues can be a major cause. It is interesting to know what happens to your hormones after 45. Changing life phases, stressful life events, health concerns, and day-to-day hassles are some of the common causes of hormonal imbalance.

Midlife health issues play an important role in disturbing your hormone levels. While you pass through life phases or experience health problems, you experience a lot of stress. This can trigger hormonal imbalance and can turn into a vicious circle.

The physiological phases that can cause hormonal fluctuations and add to your midlife health issues include

  • Menopause – For some women, the most probable cause of swinging hormones is the change of life – the phase of menopause and perimenopause. As the progesterone and oestrogen hormones begin to drop, they bring a lot of changes in physical as well as emotional state.


  • Andropause – Some men may experience a decrease in testosterone production – a phase called andropause, which can cause hormonal fluctuations.

Midlife Health Issues

Apart from the normal life phases, hormonal imbalance can also be a result of some midlife health issues like

  • Hypothyroidism / Hyperthyroidism – With increasing age, the thyroid gland may begin to show its presence. Both underactive and overactive thyroid can result in hormonal imbalance. Both men and women are at risk of thyroid issues.


  • Hypoglycaemia / Hyperglycaemia – The fluctuating blood glucose levels too can affect hormone levels in men and women. So, prediabetics and diabetics can be at a greater risk of hormone problems.


  • Being overweight – Excess body weight and fat increases the risk of hormonal imbalance. As normal metabolism may get affected by aging, maintaining a healthy weight becomes important for hormone balance.

Some causes of hormonal imbalance may need medical investigation and treatment. Some of these include polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), severe allergies or infections, endocrinal disorders or certain tumours. There are other causes of hormonal imbalance too. These include nutritional or vitamin deficiencies, chronic stress, lack of adequate sleep, faulty dietary habits, and poor lifestyle choices.

However, the good news is that – every person reacts to midlife health issues differently. With the right approach, you can enjoy healthy midlife. We will discuss the symptoms of hormonal imbalance in men in the next blog. With awareness, medical advice and appropriate diet and lifestyle, you can manage hormone health issues very well.

Dr Snehal Singh
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