We looked at the role of vitamins and minerals in managing hormonal issues, in our previous blog. With a healthy diet and vitamins, your body gets the required nourishment. But what about the relaxation of your mind? Hormonal issues after 45 can affect your emotional wellbeing to a great extent. Hence, stress management, which mainly focuses on relaxing your mind plays an important role in balancing hormones.
Role of Stress in Hormonal Issues after 45
Stress is everywhere and everyone experiences it some time or the other. Although the intensity may vary and your way of dealing with it differs. While stress is common, hormonal issues after 45 are particularly related to excessive stress. Your hormone levels change in response to stress, hence if you experience more stress, your hormones can go for a toss.
More so, if you are already suffering from hormonal issues are 45, you may experience more turmoil and worsening of your symptoms as well. Hormones like cortisol, vasopressin, catecholamines, gonadotrophins, growth hormone, thyroid hormones, prolactin, insulin often show an increase or decrease in response to stress. These changes can not only worsen the existing complaints but also increase the risk of other hormone issues and health problems.
Stress can occur in any form – ranging from your daily responsibilities to sudden sad news. Ongoing problems too contribute to your emotional stress. Chronic stress is often a result of persistent worries about health, weight or hormonal issues are 45.
How To Balance Your Hormones With Stress Management?
As stress aggravates most hormone problems, dealing with stress effectively can work wonders in managing hormones. By learning to manage your stress, you can surely work your way to balancing your hormones. Stress management helps release the ‘feel-good’ hormones that can fight the negative effects of hormone problems.
Here are some of the effective ways in which stress management can help in the management of hormonal issues are 45.
• Identify your stressors – Get to know what bothers you. Excessive physical exercise, poor nutrition, consuming intolerant food, exposure to pollutants or toxins, lack of sleep or health issues like fever, allergies, surgery, injuries or chronic pain can be your stressor.
• Avoid the stressors – Avoid stressors and get treated for your health problems.
• Relax and unwind – Take breaks from work, relax in a pool, read a book or find pleasure in your hobbies.
• Connect – Spend time with family and friends, meditate and connect with yourself.
Have a healthy, balanced diet, do simple exercises but avoid over-exertion, get adequate sleep and practice moderation to reduce stress.
In our next blog, we will discuss an effective way of physical and emotional healing – Yoga and its role in hormone management.

Dr Snehal Singh
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